Going Through The Big "D" In Dallas: Texas Divorce Laws That Could Apply To You


There may be a song about it, but the truth is, divorce is a real possibility if you live in the city of Dallas. The two primary metropolitan areas of Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston see marriages dissolve more often than any other city of sizable comparison, according to a report from the New York Times. If you happen to be one of the individuals considering divorce and you live in the great state of Texas, there are a few divorce laws that could come into play.

10 August 2016

Can You Win Custody Of A Younger Sibling?


When both parents of a child have passed away, the responsibility for raising the child usually falls to family members. In some cases, the family member could be a young adult sibling. If the parents did not specify who should have custody of the child and other family members are opposed to the sibling having the child, a court battle could ensue.. If you are the older sibling, whether or not you are successful depends on several factors.

11 May 2016

Don't Make One Of These Mistakes In Your Divorce Case


When going through a divorce and child custody case, it can be hard to keep your emotions in check. You end up saying things that you should have kept to yourself and doing things that never should have been done in the first place. All of these things could end up making the situation worse for you and your case. To ensure the best possible outcome, make sure you don't make one of these crucial mistakes.

16 February 2016

3 Ways Your Divorcing Spouse Could Be Hiding Assets From You


Ideally, when a couple divorces, both spouses would be honest about their assets so that the courts can equally divide them. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. If you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets, it is important to carefully consider where to look for them. To help get you started in your search, here are some possible ways your spouse could be hiding assets. Transferring to a Friend or Family's Accounts

3 January 2016

What Does No-Fault Divorce In Mississippi Really Mean? The Answer May Surprise You!


The state of Mississippi offers both fault and no-fault divorce, but these terms may actually mean something different than what you'd expect. The no-fault divorce law in the state of Mississippi is actually a specific modification of no-fault law called "Irreconcilable Differences." While the terms no-fault and irreconcilable differences are sometimes used interchangeably, they are actually quite different as it pertains to divorce in the state of Mississippi. Read on to find out exactly what a no-fault divorce in Mississippi really means.

19 November 2015

Innocent Mistakes You Should Avoid In Divorce Court


If your divorce proceedings will be heading to court, this can turn an already stressful situation into something that can almost feel insurmountable. With emotions running high, it can be easy to falter and make some common mistakes in court. Here are four mistakes you should try your best to avoid during your day in court. 1. Don't Get Distracted in Court Don't let anything get you distracted the morning of your court case.

13 October 2015

The Value Of A Divorce Lawyer Who Understands Family


When parents get divorced, they create not only a legal issue—the breaking of a contract—they also create a familial quagmire. Just because a man and his wife get a divorce, the family ties between parents and children do not rupture. A lawyer who understands family can help to create an acceptable reality that will allow the family to adapt to the change in family structure.   Helping Children with the Divorce 

20 August 2015